SG-Artfull Painting
Welcome to SG-Art..full Painting. On this page, you will find paintings and artworks that I produce during my leisure time. I aim to do 2 paintings/artworks a year as a minimum and I always try to learn a new technique or skill or overcoming a new challenge whilst executing it. It takes me a while to paint and I paint during weekends and evenings only, provided that the weather and luminosity are good. I like to paint on rather large canvases and boards as it is what I prefer.
Hope you enjoy them and if you have any comments or suggestions, please contact me as I always welcome some feedback.
Pure bliss - The Swimmers Collection - 1
Oil painting on stretched canvas 120 x 180cm
Colours used: Blue Prussian, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, and Burnt Amber. And White titanium
The painting was inspired from a photo and realised between March and April 2020.
Oil painting on stretched canvas 120 x 120cm
Colours used: Yellow ocre, Burnt amber, White titanium, Permanent blue, Red Cadnium . And White titanium
The painting was inspired from a photo and realised between August and September 2019.
Lavender Field
Oil painting on stretched canvas 100 x 100cm
Colours used: Terre Verte (Hue), Colbat Violet (Hue), Rose Madder. And White titanium
The painting was inspired from a photo and realised in July-August 2019.
The girl in the red shoes
Oil painting on stretched canvas 120 x 150cm
Colours used: Brilliant Red. And White titanium and Ivory Black
The painting was inspired from a photo and realised in April-June 2019. The only hint of colour is on the shoe.
Oil painting on stretched canvas 120 x 180cm
Started 2016 - finished 2019
Colours used: Hooker's green, Rose madder, Burnt Amber, Cadmium yellow Hue. And Titanium white
Oil painting on stretched canvas 76.5 x 101.6cm
Colour used: Rose Madder, Burnt Amber, Flesh tint, French Ultramarine. And Titanium white
The painting was inspired from a photo and realised in July 2019
Oil painting on stretched canvas 100 x 100cm
The painting was inspired from a photo and realised in 2011
the king and his queen
Oil painting on stretched canvas 173 x 123cm
This painting was done in 2005-2006, over the course of 2-3 months. It is my very first oil painting. I discovered the joy of oil painting whilst doing this painting, and it is one of my favourite work.
It was inspired from a photo and only 4 colours was used: Burnt sienna, Yellow Ochre, Permanent Blue and Cadmium red. And White titanium.